February 2018

I’m listening to: Ingrid Stölzel. Being a former choir nerd (and still one at heart) I’m quite partial to this choral piece of hers:

Throwback Thursday to Italian film music composer/arranger/multi-instrumentalist Giulia De Muittis (Alessandroni):

I’m listening to: Kelly Corcoran conduct her group Intersection. This is a two-fer for me because they’re playing one of my faves, Sofia Gubaidulina:

Throwback Thursday to Alma Mahler. In the early 2000s I was listening to a lot of Gustav Mahler, which naturally led to my learning about Alma. I was fascinated by her but those being the early days of the Internet (or, the ‘Net as it was known back then), I didn’t really have a way of hearing recordings of her works. Here are her lovely Lieder, arranged for orchestral accompaniment:

I’m listening to: Tania Miller conducting the Victoria Symphony, Shosty No. 5:

Throwback Thursday to the wonderful Margaret Bonds. This is a powerful performance by Darian Clonts of her “I, Too” from her Three Dream Variations, with text by one of my favorite poets, Langston Hughes:

I’m listening to: Krystal Folkestad Grant. This electroacoustic spoken word piece is pretty electrifying:

And I like this choral piece, “Los invisibiles atomos”:

Throwback Thursday to Agathe Backer Grøndahl. Here is an enchanting piece of hers, Idyll No. 5: